San Francisco Public Transit Fares & Information
There are multiple ways you can purchase entrance onto MUNI and BART.
San Francisco BART
The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is the train transportation system that serves San Francisco and the East Bay area.
San Francisco Muni Metro
The Muni Metro is the electric light rail system that serves San Francisco.
San Francisco Historic Streetcars
San Francisco has dozens of antique streetcars from around the world.
JUMP Bikes in San Francisco
JUMP Bikes are pedal assist electric bikes that can go up to 32 km/h (20 mph).
Lyft in San Francisco
Lyft is a ride sharing service with very good availability in the Bay Area.
Uber in San Francisco
Uber is a ride sharing service in San Francisco with many vehicle types.
Bay Wheels in San Francisco
Bay Wheels (formerly Ford GoBike) is a network of docked, rentable bicycles.