Lisbon Taxi (Free Now)

Taxi (Free Now)
Lisbon, Portugal
Taxis are a fairly inexpensive way to get where you need to go in Lisbon. You can flag taxis down on the street, from a taxi stand, or by using the Free Now (formerly MyTaxi) app.
Taxi Pricing in Lisbon
There are a few factors when calculating taxi fares in Libson:
Pricing per kilometre is €0.47.
There is a minimum fare of €3.25 required for each trip.
During the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. all fares are subject to a 20% increase.
Luggage items are €1.60.
Taxi Coverage Map
Taxis are readily available in the entire Lisbon area.
How to Request a Ride
You can request a taxi using the Free Now (formerly MyTaxi/Hailo) app or by flagging down a taxi on the street or at a taxi stand. A taxi is free to hail if there is a green light on top of the cab with no number lit (see photos).
Detailed Photos
Click the photos below for a more detailed look at taxis in Lisbon
Other Ride Sharing Options
Public Transportation Options
The Viva Viagem Card is the universal fare ticket for all public transportation services.
Lisbon has a few funiculars and elevators in the city to quickly get up the steep streets.