Toronto Buses
Toronto, Canada
The TTC has over 140 bus routes across the city. Busses operate on the surface level city streets and highways while sharing the road with cars and cyclists.
Bus System Map
The full TTC System Map. Here you can see Bus, Streetcar and Subway routes.
How to Board & Exit a Bus
To get picked up by a bus, all you need to do is stand at a bus stop. If you are boarding a bus, you will have to board at the front of the vehicle near the driver door. If you are using a Presto Card or transfer, you can board at any door.
Unlike the subway, you must request a stop and open the doors yourself to exit a bus. To request a stop on a bus, pull the yellow line, or press a red stop button. To exit at the front of the bus, the driver will open the door for you. To exit at the back of the bus, you will have to press the vertical yellow bar on the rear doors.
Transfer Rules
You can freely transfer to and from a bus to an adjacent bus, streetcar or subway route.
Detailed Photos
Click the photos below for more detailed descriptions of entering, boarding and exiting buses.