London Santander Cycles
Santander Cycles
London, United Kingdom
Santander Cycles is a network of rentable bicycles similar to Citi Bike in New York City or Toronto Bike Share in Toronto. Cruiser bicycles are available at 839 stations throughout the city to rent with a credit card. If you’re looking to explore the city on short trips, you may want to consider renting a bicycle.
Santander cycles cost just £0.50 for each 30 minutes. There is also a £29 deposit for the bicycle.
Single Trip•£2.00
Each 30 minute trip costs £2.00. You will be charged an additional £2.00 for each 30 minute increment up to a £10.00 maximum. You must return the bike to a dock within 24 hours.
Annual Membership•£60.00
The Annual Membership of £60.00 brings your 30 minute trip cost down to £0.50. Your daily maximum is also reduced to £5.00. You still must return the bike to a dock within 24 hours.
Santander Cycles System Map
There are many docking stations in London to find a Santander bicycle. To find one near you, check the app or website.
How to Start Your Trip
To rent a bicycle, go to the kiosk and select the number of bicycles you wish to rent. If the station near you does not have a kiosk, you can only rent bikes from that station using a membership card or from within the Santander Bicycles app on your smartphone. Once you pay via credit card, you are given a numerical code. Take that code to the bicycle of your choosing and enter it to the number pad located to the left of the front tire. This will unlock your bike and begin your trip.
How to End Your Trip
To end your trip, find a Santander Cycles location with an empty spot for your bicycle. Push and hold the front wheel into the open base station until the bike locks. You are trying to get the metal triangle above the front wheel into the base station securely. Once the light on the dock has turned green, and your bike is locked, your trip is complete. If your docking station is full of bicycles, you can go to the kiosk and request an additional 15 minutes to give you time to go to a neighbouring station.
Detailed Photos
Click the photos below for more detailed descriptions of renting and unlocking a bicycle from Santander Cycles.