Istanbul Tickets & Transit Information
Istanbul Tickets & Transit Info
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul’s public transit system is a collection of services operated by municipal organizations and private companies. All of the major transport networks use the same ticketing system to make it easier for the traveller.
Dynamic Fare System
Istanbul’s ticket prices are determined by the number of tickets you purchase at a time. A single fare for the metro will cost you ₺9.90. However, if you purchase a 10 fare electronic fare card (Elektronikkart) for ₺76.70 the price per fare is significantly less expensive (₺7.67).
There are several fare options when travelling on Istanbul public transit.
Istanbulkart is the reloadable debit card system for public transit in Istanbul. You can purchase the card for ₺60.00 at card vending machines in transit stations and load it up with as much money as you’d like. When you purchase a new Istanbulkart, you must load at least ₺4.00 on it, so your total price for a new card will be ₺64.00 (₺60.00 for the card and ₺4.00 loaded onto it). Cards can only be purchased using cash, from the yellow kiosks in marmaray, subway, tram, bus and funicular stations. Istanbulkart is also the cheapest way of using public transportation in the city. Fares are only ₺4.50 when using your Istanbulkart but are ₺9.90 when using a single fare jeton.
Jeton (Token)
Istanbul sells single fare tokens (Jeton) from kiosks in transit stations and some bus stops. These tokens are sold at "Jetonmatik" machines. Purchasing a single fare token costs ₺9.90.
Limited Use Card
You can also buy limited use cards that are loaded up with multiple trips. These cards are non-reloadable, but can be purchased with 1, 2, 3 or 5 single fare trips loaded onto the card. These cards offer a better deal for visitors who are in Istanbul for a shorter time. The limited use card is good for a day trip where you don't want an Istanbulkart and also don't want to pay ₺5.00 for each trip.
BİRgeç - One Fare - ₺5.00
İKİgeç - Two Fares - ₺8.00
ÜÇgeç - Three Fares - ₺11.00
BEŞgeç - Five Fares - ₺17.00
Detailed Photos
Click the photos below for more detailed descriptions of tickets and fares on Istanbul Public Transit.